Learn to solve Rubik's cube and become a pro at it. Become faster using the Beginner to Advance Method, Get certificate of completion (Free Demo Lessons Available)
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The Initial Section of the Beginners method teaches basics of cubes which includes their parts and how to understand and perform different algorithms, followed by solving the 3 layers.
1st layer consists of solving the cross and the corners.
2nd layer consists of solving the edges.
3rd layer consists of solving the yellow cross and aligning the corners.
The Advanced Method which we teach is the CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL) Method which is the most common speed cubing method of solving.
In this Section we teach how to make 1st and 2nd layer pairs to increase efficiency of solving.
Followed by solving the 3rd layer using OLLs (Orientation of the Last Layer) and PLLs (Permutation of the Last Layer).
The Advance Method can bring your average solving time to under 20 Seconds!
Rubiks Cube Speedsolver
Speedcubing Rubiks Cube
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